I was born in Bilbao, but my family was from León where I spent all my summers. Whenever I was in León I always wanted to visit the city's cathedral because it is one of the most beautiful in the world. For that reason, when I had to decide my career, I decided to study art history at the University of the Basque Country. During my studies I specialized in iconographic analysis under the guidance of Professor Jesús María González de Zárate, who taught me that the smallest details hidden in an image can change the way it is read. Subsequently, I attended the University of Deusto where I did a master's degree in teaching in secondary education. Here a professor told me about the possibility of continuing my studies in the United States. This idea amazed me and I decided to give it a try. Finally I was accepted first at Illinois State University, where I studied for a year until I transferred to UIUC. Here at Urbana, I completed a master's degree in Spanish and now I am finishing my Ph.D. in Spanish literature.
Research Interests
20th and 21st century Spanish literature, film and documentaries. Spanish Black Legend. National identities. International nationalism. Nationalist relations between Spain and Latin America. Media and cultural studies. Game and comic studies. Literary materiality. Myth creation.
MA Spanish Literature. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2018
MA Teaching Certificate in Second and High School Education with mention in Humanities. Universidad de Deusto. 2015
BA Art History. Universidad del País Vasco. 2013
Courses Taught
Intermediate Spanish (SPAN 130)
Spanish in the Professions (SPAN 142)
Spanish for Business (SPAN 202)
Spanish advanced Grammar (SPAN 204)
Oral Spanish (SPAN 208)
Spanish Composition (SPAN 228)
Spanish in the Community (SPAN 232)
Black Legend: Honor, Conquest, and Inquisition (SPAN 318)