10/13/2023 - Prof. Silvina Montrul has been named a recipient of a Marjorie Roberts Professorship in Liberal Arts & Sciences. These prestigious named professorships are granted based on an outstanding record...
10/13/2023 - Congratulations to Luis Gaytán Soto, awarded the 2023 Graduate Student Leadership Award.
04/27/2023 - Danielle Massulo Bordignon has won a competitive Tinker Field Collaborative Fellowship, through CLACS. The title of...
04/25/2023 - Prof. Silvina Montrul has received a Lemann Faculty Research Grant for AY23-24 for her project “The Impact of Schooling on the Acquisition of “Little Words” in Brazilian Portuguese”, for a...
04/21/2023 - Gisabel Leonardo has been selected as a Humanities Research Institute (HRI) Graduate Student Fellow for 2023-2024
04/21/2023 - Katie VanDyne has received the LAS Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching by Graduate Teaching Assistants
04/20/2023 - Lorena Alarcón has won a Tinker Summer Fellowship, through CLACS. The title of her awarded project is “Spanish and...
04/20/2023 - Gerson Morales Pérez has won a competitive ...
04/20/2023 - Prof. Jill Jegerski is the recipient of an LAS COVID-19 Revitalization Fellowship for AY23-24. The fellowship will provide Jill with a course release and RA funds to support ongoing eye-tracking...
04/20/2023 - Prof. Mariselle Meléndez is one of just two recipients campuswide of the 2023 Campus Executive Officer Distinguished Leadership Award. The award is highly competitive and requires a two-stage process...
04/20/2023 - Sergio Mora Moreno has won a competitive Whitten Fellowship. The title of his awarded project is “Towards the...
04/20/2023 - Prof. Anna Torres-Cacoullos has been selected as just one of seven faculty to receive a 2023-2024 Humanities Research Institute Faculty Fellowship, for her project, titled "Modernist Cine-grafies:...
04/20/2023 - Sara Castro Cantú has won a competitive Tinker Field Collaborative Fellowship, through CLACS. The title of her awarded...
04/20/2023 - Prof. Xiomara Cervantes-Gómez was recently quoted in an ABC News article about the terms "Latino/Latinx/Latine", which you can read here: ...
04/19/2023 - Prof. Eduardo Ledesma has been selected the recipient of the 2023 Karen Wold Level the Learning Field Award by the Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES). The ...